Order Process & Payment
Follow these simple steps:
i. Log into your account
ii. Shop for product/s and click the Add to Cart button
iii. When you’ve finished shopping, select Check Out
iv. Enter your details, select a payment option, and check out
v. You will receive an email confirmation of payment. If you’ve signed up on our site, you can also view the order status through your Account page.
Yes, though please note that price will be the same regardless of quantity.
Transactions on the official Western Appliances website are eligible for points to be credited in the Western Platinum Exclusives. Simply type in your card number in the notes section upon checkout. However, application for the Western Platinum Exclusives and claiming of points is not available for online transactions.
Shipping & Delivery
We deliver within Metro Manila and selected areas in Batangas, Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, Pampanga and Rizal.
For clarifications on delivery coverage areas outside Metro Manila, please contact us here:
Email: online@western.com.ph
Mobile or Viber: 09190798384 / 09190798386
Please sign up for an account at western.com.ph. Order status and history can be viewed through your Account page.
Delivery will be 3-5 business days from payment confirmation, excluding Sundays and holidays.
If you are unable to personally receive your order, your authorized personnel must have the ff. documents upon delivery:
i. Authorization letter signed by original recipient
ii. Copy of original recipient’s government-issued ID
iii. Copy of authorized personnel’s government-issued ID
Return & Exchange
• Replacement of item due to change of mind is not allowed. Only defective goods can be returned or exchanged.
• For any technical or mechanical defect, please email our Customer Service Team at customer.service@western.com.ph or contact (02) 8373-4501 loc. 700. We will help you determine if the item is for repair or replacement.
• The product must be with:
i. Original Invoice
ii. Original Packaging
iii. Accessories
iv. Bundled Premium